Residency by investment

United Kingdom

Residency by investment

United Kingdom

If you have a great business idea, the drive to succeed, and access to at least £50,000 in investment funds, the Innovator visa allows you to stay in the UK for up to 3 years to develop your business. No need for a job offer or sponsorship from a UK company.

UK Innovator Founder Visa
An overview

UK Innovator founder visa is a path of gaining residency in one of the world’s most desirable country. Established in 2013, program grants you permanent residency, which allows to live, work and study anywhere in United Kingdom. You will also have access to universal healthcare and your children can attend school for free.

If you have a great business idea, the drive to succeed, and access to at least £50,000 in investment funds, the Innovator visa allows you to stay in the UK for up to 3 years to develop your business. No need for a job offer or sponsorship from a UK company.

The Innovator visa gives you the freedom and flexibility to work for your own company in the UK. During the 3 years, you will have full access to the UK’s business networks, resources, and markets to help get your business off the ground. For aspiring entrepreneurs and startup founders, the Innovator visa could be the opportunity of a lifetime to build a business in one of the world’s most thriving economies.

The processing time for UK Innovator founder visa is 4-6 months.

Few reasons to choose our Antigua & BArbuda


With an average temperature of 82°F, Antigua and Barbuda’s tropical climate is ideal if you’re looking to escape colder weather. The dry season runs from December to May, and the rainy season is from June to November. With an average temperature of 82°F, Antigua and Barbuda’s tropical climate is ideal if you’re looking to escape colder weather.


The local culture is a unique blend of British colonial influences and African heritage. You’ll hear an English-based Creole language, enjoy calypso and reggae music, and see colorful colonial architecture alongside palm-fringed beaches. The islands have a relaxed vibe, and the friendly locals are proud of their home. Cultural events like Carnival, boat races, and music festivals happen throughout the year.


Antigua and Barbuda has a stable economy based on tourism, financial services, and offshore banking. The islands use the East Caribbean dollar, which is pegged to the U.S. dollar. This means U.S. currency is widely accepted, and exchange rates remain consistent. The cost of living in Antigua and Barbuda is relatively low compared to other Caribbean countries.

Benefits of
UK Innovator founder visa

The UK Innovator visa offers several appealing benefits for entrepreneurs looking to launch a business in the UK.

PAth To citizenship

Unlike some other visas, the Innovator visa provides a direct path to UK citizenship after 5 years. Once you have established your business, you can apply to settle permanently in the UK.

Inclusion of Family

A major perk of the Innovator visa is the ability to bring your close family members with you to the UK, including your spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner, and children under 18. Your family members will be allowed to work or study in the UK for the duration of your visa.

Access to universal health care

As a permanent inhabitant, you will enjoy United Kingdom’s national health services, which contributes 70% in overall research field of medical science. No need to worry about expensive premiums, or surprise medical bills.

Business Growth

The UK is a global hub for business, finance, and innovation. An Innovator visa provides access to strong global networks and connections that can help your business thrive. You will be able to partner or collaborate with major companies.

Requirements for
an Innovator Visa

As an investor, the UK Innovator visa allows you, your spouse, and any dependent children under 18 to obtain UK residency.

This route is for start-up entrepreneurs and experienced businesspersons seeking to establish an innovative, viable and scalable business in the UK which they have generated or significantly contributed to.

  • There is no set investment amount – applicants must be able to show access to an amount that is needed to viably start the business. This depends on the nature of the business as it could be £25,000 up to £100,000. Ideally any applicant would not show less than £25K, but lower amount can be considered if the business would have low start up expenditure i.e., does not require premises, remote operation/tech based.
  • Applicants are permitted to set up several businesses and also undertake employment if this is within a skilled occupation and some endorser require the employment is connected to the nature of endorsed business
  • Endorsement fees are much lower and much more accessible for applicants (noted below)
  • A fee of £1,000 plus VAT where applicable will be required for initial assessment to each endorser, and we will assist in a tailored strategy for each client to put them forward to the most appropriate endorser and ensure they are duly prepared with a strong application. This fee is not refundable, and they may try with all three endorsers if necessary.


Generally, the business would not already exist in the UK and if it does it must not have started trading yet. Innovator founders can apply as part of a team and each member would meet the requirements in their own right – i.e., joint business partners relying on the same business plan and can both settle after 3 years but for ILR if relying on the first investment criteria, they would each show £50K investment (£100K)

  • Age – the applicant must be aged 18 or over.
  • Business Plan – an innovative, viable and scalable business plan. They must also intend to take a key role in the day-to-day management and development of the business and be a sole founder or instrumental member of the founding team.
  • Investment – the applicant must be able to show access to funds amounting to the start-up expenses expected in the business plan and there be a legitimate source of funds. New requirement is the endorser must be satisfied that the applicant or their business is not the beneficiary of illicit or unsatisfactorily explained wealth;
  • Maintenance: at least £1,270 held for 1 month before the visa application, plus £285 for a partner, £315 for your first child, and £200 for each additional child.
  • English language requirement – Level B2 CEFR in all four components: reading writing, speaking and listening (For example, IELTS 5.5 in each stage).
  • Family Members: A partner and dependent children can apply on this route.
  • Medical Screening – a TB certificate must be provided where required (depending on country of residence and travel history).
  • Genuineness – they must be regarded as a genuine Innovator.
  • Fit and proper person requirement – An application may be refused where the decision maker has reason to believe that the applicant:
    (a) is the subject of any serious civil or criminal investigations or proceedings about corruption or other financial crime or financial misconduct;
    (b) is or has been the subject of non-criminal sanctions, including being disbarred from acting as a director or carrying out regulated financial activities in any country. Leave may also be cancelled if this occurs whilst they are in the UK and either a or b apply;
  • General grounds for refusal– apply and will be assessed on a case by case but included adverse immigration history, NHS debts amongst other points.

This route offers one of the fastest routes to settlement in the UK, and applicants may apply after 3 years as an innovator provided certain criteria are met. Amongst other criteria, such as English language and life in the UK, the applicant must spend no more than 180 days outside of the UK in any 12 months period throughout the three years. Their business venture must also meet at least two of the following requirements:

(i) At least £50,000 has been invested into the business and actively spent furthering the business; or

(ii) The number of the business’s customers has at least doubled within the most recent 3 years and is currently higher than the mean number of customers for other UK businesses offering comparable main products or services; or

(iii) The business has engaged in significant research and development activity and has applied for intellectual property protection in the UK; or

(iv) The business has generated a minimum annual gross revenue of £1million in the last full year covered by its accounts; or

(v) The business is generating a minimum annual gross revenue of £500,000 in the last full year covered by its accounts, with at least £100,000 from exporting overseas; or

(vi) the business has created the equivalent of at least 10 full-time jobs for settled workers: or

(vi) The business has created the equivalent of at least 5 full-time jobs for settled workers, each of which has a mean salary of at least £25,000 a year (gross pay, excluding any allowances).

Please note that family members qualify for settlement after 5 years.

Who Can Get
UK Residency

As an investor, the UK Innovator visa allows you, your spouse, and any dependent children under 18 to obtain UK residency.

To apply for the Innovator visa, you must be at least 18 years old and invest a minimum of £50,000 in an approved UK startup. The investment must be made within 3 months of your application approval. You cannot work for the startup you invest in, but you can start or run another business in the UK. After 3 years, you can apply to extend your visa for another 2 years. After 5 years, you’ll be eligible to apply for permanent UK residency.

Spouse should be of legal age and will have full work rights and access to public funds like healthcare and education. Have clean criminal record and meet English language requirements. The application should be submitted at the same time of yours. Proof of relationship like marriage certificate also required.

Your children under 18 can accompany you to the UK under the Innovator visa. Dependent children will have access to public schooling and university at the standard rates for UK residents. Have clean criminal record and meet English language requirements. The application should be submitted at the same time of yours. Proof of relationship like birth certificate also required.

Application Process


Formulate a Business Plan and Secure Endorsement

Client onboarding at Caribbean Islands Immigration services starts with Form 1 to conduct the initial evaluation. After a successful screening, we'll send you a Client Agreement (CA) for your review and signature.

The Caribbean Islands Immigration services assists you in creating a thorough business plan that highlights your innovative concept, growth potential, and success strategy. These essential steps lay a strong foundation and secure the required support for your UK Innovator Founder Visa application. We handle communication with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) on your behalf.



Entering the UK

Upon receiving endorsement from a government-approved entity, our immigration lawyer will offer personalized guidance and support to guarantee a successful visa application. Our lawyer will carefully review all required documents, aid in completing the application, and represent you in any interactions with UK immigration authorities.


Year 1-3

Establish and Grow Your Business in the UK

Once you arrive, your primary focus will be on launching and expanding your business. It is important to note that you are required to spend no more than 180 days outside the UK within any consecutive 12-month period.


Year 3

Permanent Residence Granted

Upon meeting all necessary requirements and adhering to visa regulations throughout your time in the UK, you may qualify for permanent residence. This grants you the privilege to reside in the country indefinitely, providing stability, security, and access to a wide range of benefits and opportunities associated with living in the UK.


Year 5

Eligibility for citizenship

If you fulfill the necessary criteria, including spending no more than 450 days outside the UK within the five years leading up to your application, you are eligible to apply for UK citizenship.


Frequently Asked

To qualify for an Innovator visa, you will need to have a genuine, innovative business idea, and the skills, experience, and funding to develop it. You must be from outside the EEA and Switzerland. You will need an endorsement from an approved endorsing body certifying that your business idea is innovative, viable, and scalable. You’ll also need enough funds to support yourself in the UK for at least the first 6 months – around £1,270 per month.

An initial Innovator visa will be granted for up to 3 years. You can then apply to extend your visa for another 3 years. After 5 years, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

Yes, you can bring your spouse/partner and any dependent children under the age of 18 with you to the UK under the Innovator visa. Your family members will be allowed to work or study in the UK for the duration of your visa.

If your business ultimately does not succeed, it will not necessarily affect your immigration status. As long as you can prove that you made a genuine effort to develop your business idea, you should still be eligible to extend your visa. However, if your business folds very quickly after arriving in the UK, it could raise questions about the viability and genuineness of your initial business plan.

Book Your Free Consultation

Why our clients count on us?

Caribbean Islands Immigration Services provides a full range of Citizenship & Residency program based on investment from basic advice and consultation to application document checking and full representation – all at competitive rates.

We operate in complete transparency and provide tailored solutions, based on our client’s needs, while always being fully compliant with Government rules and regulations.

Speak to our consultant and start your journey today

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