citizenship by investment

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program

an increasingly popular option for savvy entrepreneurs

Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) was established in 2013. The program was introduced to attract foreign direct investment and boost economic development in the country. From secluded white sand beaches to tropical rainforests, Antigua and Barbuda’s natural scenery is stunning. Some highlights include Nelson’s Dockyard National Park, Stingray City, and the luxurious Jumby Bay resort.

As an Antigua and Barbuda citizen, you’ll enjoy visa-free travel to over 156 countries and territories, including Europe’s Schengen area, the UK, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The minimum investment required is US$100,000. With 365 beaches, a vibrant culture, and a perfect tropical climate, Antigua and Barbuda offers an appealing lifestyle and natural beauty that will make you proud to hold its citizenship.

The average processing time for Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship is 4-6 months.

Few reasons to choose
Antigua & BArbuda


With an average temperature of 82°F, Antigua and Barbuda’s tropical climate is ideal if you’re looking to escape colder weather. The dry season runs from December to May, and the rainy season is from June to November. Even during the rainy season, showers are usually brief, and the temperature remains warm. The Islands get cooling trade winds all year round, especially on the windward side.


The local culture is a unique blend of British colonial influences and African heritage. You will hear an English-based Creole language, enjoy calypso and reggae music, and see colorful colonial architecture alongside palm-fringed beaches.

The Islands have a relaxed vibe, and the friendly locals are proud of their home. Cultural events like Carnival, boat races, and music festivals happen throughout the year.


The Island uses the Eastern Caribbean dollar (EC$) as its currency. Antigua and Barbuda have a stable economy based on tourism, financial services, and offshore banking. This means U.S. currency is widely accepted, and exchange rates remain consistent. In terms of exports, Antigua and Barbuda heavily relies on its thriving tourism industry, offering services such as accommodation, restaurants, and entertainment.

Benifits of
Antigua & Barbuda

Obtaining citizenship in Antigua & Barbuda comes with many benefits. As a citizen, you will have access to a long list of perks that improve your freedom to travel and quality of life.

Minimum Time

Obtaining citizenship through the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) is a straightforward process that typically takes 4-6 months. Antigua and Barbuda aim to process applications efficiently while still conducting thorough due diligence checks.

Inclusion of Family

The Antigua and Barbuda (CIP) allows for the inclusion of family members. Spouses, children, dependent siblings, dependent parents, and grandparents can be included in the application. This means that the main applicant’s immediate family can also obtain citizenship and enjoy the benefits offered by the program.

No Tax

Antigua and Barbuda do not tax worldwide income, inheritance, wealth, or capital gains. There are also no restrictions on the repatriation of profits and imported capital. As an Antigua and Barbuda citizen, you can benefit from these business-friendly policies and attractive tax incentives.

Enjoy Global Mobility

As a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda, you gain access to visa-free travel to over 156 countries & territories, including the UK, EU Schengen area, Singapore, and Hong Kong. This allows you to travel freely for both business and leisure without the time-consuming process of applying for entry visas.


To apply for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by Investment program, applicant must fulfill one of the following investment options with some other requirements.

Make a non-refundable donation to the National Development Fund. The amount depends on the number of dependents included in your application. For a single applicant, the donation amount is US$100,000.

 Invest a minimum of US$200,000 in designated real estate. This is a popular choice if you’re looking for an investment that could generate returns.

A minimum of 2 persons to make a joint investment in an approved business for at least US$5,000,000. Each person is required to contribute at least US$400,000 to the joint investment. This path to citizenship is ideal if you want to start or buy into an existing business in Antigua & Barbuda.

By contributing US$150,000 (including processing fees) for a family of six or more members (i.e., minimum number of persons for this application is six), along with processing fees of US$15,000 for each additional dependent, you can secure citizenship for your entire family. Additionally, one family member qualifies for a one-year scholarship covering tuition-only at the University of the West Indies.

Who Can Get
Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship

When it comes to Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Program, the following family members are eligible to apply along with the main applicant:

You must be at least 18 years of age. No record of being charged with crimes punishable by imprisonment exceeding six months. No diagnosis of severe illnesses. Must clear the due diligence process and have a legal income source.

Main applicant’s legally married husband or wife can apply for citizenship along with main applicant. They will go through the same application process and must also meet the program’s requirements. They must also be of legal age, with no criminal record, and no serious health complications.

In this context, a ‘child’ refers to a biological or legally adopted child.

  • Unmarried children under the age of 18:

            Your dependent kids can obtain citizenship with you at no additional cost.

  • Unmarried children aged 18-30:
    Dependent children between 18 to 30 years old can apply for citizenship if they are full-time students. They must provide proof of enrollment in an accredited college or university and should be dependent on main applicant.

Your parents and grandparents over the age of 55 can obtain citizenship through the program if they are financially dependent on main applicant.

Unmarried siblings under the age of 18 or full-time students between 18 to 25 can apply for citizenship along with the main applicant at additional fees. They must be financially dependent on the main applicant.

Application Process

Month 1

Client's onboarding

Client onboarding at Caribbean Islands Immigration Services starts with Form 1 for initial due diligence. After a successful screening, we provide a Client Agreement (CA) for your review and signature. Once the agreement and payment are received, our legal team handles government forms and documents.

For property investments, you sign an agreement with the developer, and we communicate with them and the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) on your behalf.


Month 2-4

Application review and submission

Application review and submission involve a thorough assessment of your documents to ensure compliance with the CIU requirements. Our legal team conducts a comprehensive review before submitting the necessary forms.

The CIU performs its own due diligence and examines all the paperwork. We maintain close collaboration with them to facilitate a timely and efficient processing of your application.


Month 4-6

Passport issued

Once the CIU evaluates and approves your application, you will be required to fulfill all necessary contributions and government fees. Upon completing these payments, the CIU will issue Certificates of Naturalization, followed by the issuance of your passports.


Visa Free countries

Frequently Asked

The minimum donation required is US$100,000 (excluding government fees).

Yes, Antigua & Barbuda is twin Island nation in the Caribbean.

Once you submit your application with all the necessary documents, including background checks, the approval process typically takes around 3 to 4 months. If everything is in order, you can expect to obtain citizenship within 6 months.

No, Antigua and Barbuda allow dual citizenship. Obtaining citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda will not require you to renounce your current citizenship.

Residency is not a requirement for the Antigua and Barbuda program, but to be eligible for renewal of passport, you must spend a total of five days in the country within a five-year period after granting the Citizenship.

The Antigua & Barbuda passport is among the world’s 30th most powerful travel documents. Currently, it ranks on 28th number.

Book Your Free Consultation

Why our clients count on us ?

Caribbean Islands Immigration Services provides a full range of
Citizenship & Residency program based on investment from basic
advice and consultation to application document checking and full
representation – all at competitive rates.

We operate in complete transparency and provide tailored solutions,
based on our client’s needs, while always being fully compliant with
Goverment rules and regulations.

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